YAP Program Description
The NSP YAP Program introduces teenagers to ski patrolling and the NSP. The YAP Program often serves as a training ground for future patrollers. NSP young adult members and candidates must be 15 years old by December 31 of the year in which they begin patrolling, so YAPs are generally 15 years old through 17 (or through their senior year in high school). Young adult patrollers must meet the same patroller training and responsibilities as any other member of the patrol with the same skill set. The NSP imposes no limitations on YAP activities that are not common to all who participate in NSP programs. That said, the NSP YAP Program is not a labor program, and at the local level each YAP Program operates in compliance with applicable federal, state, and local laws and school district policies and procedures relating to youths volunteering their time to participate in ski patrolling activities and providing emergency care and response services, and also operates within the parameters of the program approved by their ski area, including applicable ski area policies and procedures.
Program Authorization Form - Click Here...
Information: Links
Youth Protection Policy - Click Here...
Social Media
NSP young adult patrollers, be sure to share pictures of you and your fellow YAPs on social media like Instagram and Facebook. When you do, use the hashtag #NSPYAP so that it is easy for other young adult patrollers to find the images!
The National Ski Patrol Young Adult Patroller (YAP) Program is a volunteer educational program that provides a structure and atmosphere for young adults, ages 15 through 17, that will help them develop and
Young Adult Patroller - YAP - Updated - 01/09/2023
Previous Event Info:
2023 - Eastern Division YAP Program Event - March 13, 2023
This Year will be at Smugglers Notch
Join young adult patrollers from around the division as we gather for the a long weekend at the Eastern Division Young Adult Patroller Summit. Smugglers' Notch Resort will host this event; March 10 -13, 2023.
“What a great event. There are no other Young Adult Patrollers where I ski. I never knew there were so many.” – First year attendee
“I look forward to this event each year. This is the event to go to; the friends, hands on learning, competition, free stuff, and fun. This is a great opportunity to learn and be part of the National Ski Patrol ”- Second year attendee
Mark your calendar and join us at Smugglers' Notch for the Eastern Division Young Adult Patroller Summit!
Registration for this event provides the following;
Three nights of lodging (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
Breakfast on Saturday and Sunday
Dinner on Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Lift Tickets (Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday)
Hands on training
Patroller Skills Competition
Mystery events
FREE swag and so much more!
Event Contact Person
Craig Larson
Event Contact Email
NEWS - March 2023 - Smugglers Notch
EPA Region YAPs attending the Eastern Division YAP EVENT held at the 2023 YAP Summit Smuggles Notch Ski Area. https://www.smuggs.com/
Photos below from the weekend !
enrich their lives as they make the transition from teenagers to adulthood by learning skills around snow sports safety and injury prevention, emergency care and response in the outdoors environment, skiing and snowboarding, physical fitness, leadership, and ski patrolling. Through outstanding training programs and engagement of the young patroller, the Young Adult Program provides a foundation for future lifelong patrollers and develops the future leaders of the NSP.
Megan Eckhart
Young Adult Patroller Program Advisor
Young Adult Scholarship
NSP Eastern Division is pleased to announce a Scholarship Fund to assist Young Adult Patrollers with the cost of attending the Young Adult Training Seminar. A maximum of four scholarships per year will be awarded based on need and merit, with the nominations coming from YAP advisers, patrol directors, and training staff who have worked with the young member. The scholarship will be in the amount of the registration fee for the event.
The fund came from a generous donation made by the Holimont and Holiday Valley Ski Patrols of the Western New York Region. Alpine patrollers Greg and Mary Lyn Boberg whose children were involved in the Young Adult Program were instrumental in its organization. It is the goal of this scholarship to encourage young adult patrollers with a financial need to attend the division event. The Eastern Division Board felt this was such a great idea they allocated additional/matching funds in the hope that it could offer scholarships for a finite time period.
To download the NSP Eastern Division Scholarship application - click here...
February 8th & 9th, 2025
Blue Mountain - 2 Day Event Overnight
Sat & Sun 08:00 - 16:00
Megan Eckhart - am-eckhart@hotmail.com - 484-239-5763
Yap EPA Region Seminar
When: February 8th- 9th 2025
Where: Blue Mountain Resort patrol base
Activities: This will be a seminar in all areas of patrolling.
Saturday Start time 8:00 am
Sunday Start time 8:00am
REGISTRATION - Click Here...
Waiver 1 - Click Here...
Waiver 2 - Click Here...