Move Your New Jersey EMS Certification to Pennsylvania
Below is the process to receive PA certification via endorsement.
FYI You cannot save the application half way through.
Please have all uploads ready when you begin the process.
For PA Endorsement you will need to complete the application on our registry website:
1. When the site opens on the left side is a shaded area, click on “New Provider Application” (You cannot save this half way through, you will need all the background checks before starting the application)
2. It will ask if you have been certified in PA in the past – answer the questions
3. It will ask for your User type, EMR, EMT, Paramedic, etc., make selection.
4. A new section will open to read, scroll to the bottom and check it off. Scroll again to the bottom and click on continue to EMS Application.
5. Under the tab General Information complete this section. At the bottom of the page check off - yes - Do you want to apply for Certification by Endorsement of another State's or National Registry Certification? “
6. A new tab will open, Certification by Endorsement. You will need to add your state certification and /or National Registry information and upload a copy of the certification(s)
7. You will need to obtain a NJ state Criminal background check. If you have a PA address then you also need a PA criminal background check. These cannot be from a 3rd party. Upload this report.
8. You need a FBI background check and then upload the report.
9. You do not need to complete the Out of State EMS Provider Verification form if you only have NREMT certification. If you (also) have NJ certification complete the top section of the attached form and send to NJ Dept. of Health. This is the letter of good standing and will be sent back to PA Dept. of Health.
10. Under the tab “EMS Application/CPR, you need to add your CPR card information, issue date, exp. Date, etc., and upload a copy and click on update CPR.
11. After you have all the forms and background checks uploaded submit the application.
12. We will need to verify your identity with a government issued photo id, this can be done with face time (if you have an I-phone) or Zoom. I will need to see you and your driver’s license. This will only take about 2 minutes. After I submit your application to the PA DOH they have 14 days to complete.
13. After you are approved by the PA Dept. of Health, a new card will be mailed to you along with your certificate. There is no charge for your card.
Links For Obtaining Background Checks
IdentoGo: Background Check for Attending to Minors PA Code 1KG756
PA background check: Pennsylvania Access To Criminal History - Home (
NJ background check:
If you have any questions, please give me a call.
April Zehr
Administrative Asst.
4801 Kernsville Road |Suite 100
Orefield, PA 18069
610-820-9212, Ext. 201
Fax 610-820-5620