Instructor Development and Mentoring   -  Effective 05/05/2023

The National Ski Patrol (NSP) doesn’t grow patrollers, it builds them. Each patroller learns his or her skills from a certified NSP instructor. These hardworking instructors are the backbone of all NSP education programs; without them, there would be no patrollers. The skills learned in the NSP Instructor Development Program (ID) focus on principles of adult education that are applicable to any field. The NSP is always seeking talented instructors to deliver its OEC, OET, Avalanche, MTR, Nordic, and ID programs. To learn more about Instructor Development opportunities, contact your division ID supervisor or region coordinator.

NOTICE - ZOOM CLASS 08/31/2024 Info below !

04/19/2024 - Due to a large interest in the Instructor Development course, we have opened a second Instructor Development Hybrid Skills Zoom Session on 6/15/2024. Please contact Brian DeFluri at or Ed Riggs at for more information.


Info for ID Course #3  -  08/31/2024

Due to a Large interest - we are now scheduling a THIRD Instructor Development Course !

Name of Course: Instructor Development Hybrid Skills Session - Zoom
Number of Students: 15
Type of Course: Hybrid
Start Date of In-Person Session(s): 2024-08-31
End Date of In-Person Sessions(s): 2024-08-31
Time: 8:30am – 1pm

Notes: - For More Info...

Contact :

Brian DeFluri

Ed Riggs 

Due to significant interest in the Instructor Development course, we have opened a third Instructor Development Hybrid Skills Zoom Session this summer on 8/31/2024. 


Embarking on the instructor development course is not just a step but a significant leap toward your increased involvement as a ski patrol member. It's a great Senior elective that can truly enhance your role.  Please complete the steps below to prepare for our Zoom session on 5/11/24 (Zoom Info will be sent later).   We will start promptly at 8:30 AM. 

1. If you have not already done so, register for EPA Instructor Development
course through the NSP website/Learning Center.

 2. Read the attached "Training the Adult Patroller" manual.  It is National's ID text and goes together with the online course. We will review sections of it during our Zoom session. 

 3. Complete the E-Learning Course "Instructor Development eCourse." It is located within the Learning Center Section of the National Website.  This takes about 4 hours and should be done well before the course to help you plan your lesson and understand the fundamentals of being an NSP Instructor. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE, OR YOU WILL NOT BE READY FOR THE CLASS!

 4. Develop a 15-minute lesson to teach and complete the attached six-pack lesson plan. Use something that can be shared via Zoom on 5/11/24.  It can be anything you would like us to learn. I suggest something you are familiar with that may interest the class. (Previous students have used everything from changing bike tires to felling trees) Contact me if you need an idea or assistance.  I attached an annotated example for reference as well.  It must be completed and emailed to me by May 5th.  I'll provide feedback and coaching on your lesson plan before the 11th to help you prepare. 


Be ready to teach on the 11th.  We will review the course content first and spend the remainder of our time teaching and working together on constructive feedback.

 Email or call with any questions.  
Brian DeFluri at:


Click Link Below to download:
